Digital Content Grant (DCG) is the government’s initiative started in 2016 which is designed and created to support local creative content companies in developing, producing, and marketing their digital content in animation, digital games, digital comics and creative technology contents.


To create and develop original works for the Animated Series and Feature Film, Digital Game, Digital Comic and Creative Technology in the digital content industry.

To create sustainable enterprises in terms of job creation (including female empowerment in the workplace), business planning and market expansion.

To develop talents through leveraging on international partners to enhance creative, technical, and human capital competencies locally.

To create Malaysian-owned or Malaysian-shared Intellectual Property (IP).

The grant is aimed to support the development, production and commercialisation of digital content products with the ceiling amount of RM150,000.00.
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The grant is aimed to support the development, production and commercialisation of digital content products with the ceiling amount of RM500,000.00.
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The grant is aimed to commercialise the digital content product with the ceiling amount of RM300,000.00.
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Download 2024 Digital Content Grant Briefing Deck
Download 2024 Digital Content Grant Briefing Deck
Download 2024 Digital Content Grant Briefing Deck
- Salary - limited to personnel involve directly with the project (excluding Applicant/Recipient's directors, shareholders, *C-Level, finance, HR, admin and non-tech personnel Eg: intern, despatch and etc); *A Creative Director is allowable and it can be from one of the Director/Shareholder of the company. *Note: Not applicable for non Sdn Bhd
- Cost of IT Hardware and IT equipment associated with the development of the project;
- Cost of Software associated with the development of the project;
- Cost associated to obtain IP protection (eg: patents, trademarks, copyright, other forms of IP Protection, legal and professional services);
- Marketing, Commercialisation, Licensing and Distribution cost;
- Outsourcing Cost which (i.e. cost incurred by the third party appointed/engaged by the Applicant/Recipient for the development of the Project) not more than 20% from the grant amount requested. To provide the justification if outsourcing outside of Malaysia;
- Any cash transaction MUST not exceed RM1,000.00 per invoice. Cash transaction is not applicable for salary and outsourcing; and/or
- Any other eligible expenses identified and recommended by GRC and approved by the rightful Approval Committee.
- Any form of taxes and duties;
- Expenses in obtaining certification & accreditation for professional development;
- Maintenance of plant / equipment;
- Mobile phones, Camera, Tablets, laptops and personal computer (including additional accessories not part of hardware bundle i.e. additional mouse, cable; printer and other peripherals) for general use;
- Furniture and Fittings;
- Utilities (phone bills, electricity, internet), printing, office rental, stationaries, secretarial, audit fees;
- Travelling expenses which includes mileage, food and beverage and accommodations;
- Incentives that support political campaigns and/or of political nature;
- Incentives for faith-based activities;
- Depreciation costs;
- Debts and debt service charges, fines, financial penalties and expenses of litigation;
- Bank charges, costs of guarantees and similar charges;
- Conversion costs, charges and exchange losses;
- Provision for losses or potential future liabilities;
- Any expenses or claims, including outsourcing costs incurred by related parties of the Applicant/Recipient for project development, testing and certification.
- Credits to third parties; and/or
- Any other expenditures non-related to the project.

- 1) Project Proposal Pitch Deck using MDEC template.
- 2) Applicant/Recipient's financial statements (copies of one (1) year latest audited account). If the Applicant/Recipient has going concern issue (as reported in their latest audited account, the Applicant/Recipient is to provide a letter of undertaking by the shareholder and/or authorised director (whichever applicable as per the Applicant/Recipient’s level of authority) to undertake that in the event that their application is approved, the Applicant/Recipient shall perform its obligations under the terms and conditions to be issued by MDEC and the said shareholder and/or authorised director to provide financial support to the Applicant/Recipient to enable the Applicant/Recipient to meet its obligations and/or liabilities under the terms and conditions.
- 3) Board of Director Resolution to be signed by the majority of directors on the appointment of authorised signatory as per template.
- 4) Applicant/Recipient profile detailing track record in development of creative works whether as an outsource service provider or in creation of original works.
- 5) Copy of award(s) and/or recognition(s) received in the past 5 years (if any).
- 6) a) If Applicant/Recipient previously has received any grant from MDEC and/or any other ministries or agencies under the Government of Malaysia, to provide proof of project completion (i.e: closure letter from the ministries/agencies).
*Limited to five (5) years records from the date of approval of the respective grant. - 6) b) If Applicant/Recipient has on going grant from any other ministries or agencies under the Government of Malaysia, to provide a letter from grant awarding entity or equivalent as proof that the project is different (not overlapped with the proposed project under MDEC’s grant) and has no non-compliance/breach issues being recorded during the period of the funded project(s).
- 7) Outsourcing if applicable (company/enterprise/sole proprietorship/partnership/limited liability partnership only)
- i. Agreement or quotation from the outsource party(ies);
- ii. Declaration letter of outsourced portion of the project detailing out:
- The scope of work of the outsourced portion;
- The identity of the outsourcing party(ies);
- The amount of outsourcing cost (must be corroborated with quotations and/ or agreements);
- Please declare if the outsourcing company is a related company (reference of related company is based on the applicable laws); and
- The arrangement should at least benefit more to the Applicant/Recipient (including copyright, ownership of IP and declaration of no relationship in terms of shareholders and assets).
- Note:
Outsourcing if applicable (company/enterprise/sole proprietorship/partnership/limited liability partnership only)- If outsourcing cost is involved, MDEC has the right to conduct background checking to the outsource parties to ensure there is no conflict of interest.
- Outsourcing party(ies) (including the director(s) or shareholders) SHALL not be related (reference of related is based on the applicable laws) with the Applicant/Recipient (not including venture capital investors and registered market operator e.g. Equity Crowdfunding platforms).
- Supporting documents evidencing outsourced portion of the project as per project costing.
- Outsourced work should not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the project cost or grant amount (whichever is lower).
- 8) Integrity Declaration Form (Appendix C) of MDEC's Integrity Pact - Download Here
- 9) MDEC reserves the right to request additional information from Applicant/Recipient at any time.
- Additional mandatory submissions based on Grant Type.
- Marketing strategy and possible outcome; and
- Trailer / pilot episode / game prototype; or
- Production bible; or
- Completed animation series or animation feature; or
- Completed playable games.
Marketing and Commercialisation Grant |
Show proof of ready product to market and to commercialise: |
Specific Conditions
- 1The Grant recipient shall create job opportunities in the development of the project as may be specified by MDEC. The said jobs must be filled by Malaysians; and
- 2The Grant Recipient shall ensure that at all times during the Project Duration and the Availability Period more than fifty percent (50%) of the team involved in the project is Malaysians.

Evaluation Criteria
- 1Strength of the Applicant’s capability to complete the Project;
- 2Strength of the Project being in line with the objective of the Grant(s);
- 3Strength of the Project from the project output and outcome perspective;
- 4Strength of the Project being completed given the resources allocated;
- 5Strength of the sources of funds available to fund the balance of the Project cost and Applicant’s funding commitment to the Project;
- 6Strength of the commercial viability of the Project;
- 7Merit of Applicant’s financial stability i.e.cashflow, profitability of the company etc.; and
- 8Merit of the overall proposed Project.
Grant Company Name | Grant Category | Year | Project Title |
7th Beat Games Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2018 | Rhythm Doctor |
Addeen Multimedia Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2020 | Jom Book-a-Bookoo! |
Aeonsparx Interactive Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2019 | Zombie Soup |
All For One Productions Sdn. Bhd. | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2020 | Legend Of Ancient Borneo |
AmmoboxStudios Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2018 | Eximius: Seize the Frontline |
AmmoboxStudios Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2019 | Eximius: Seize the Frontline |
Anak Rimba Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2019 | The Rimba Project |
Animatic Studios Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2020 | Cubic Cats |
Animonsta Studios Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2019 | Mechamato |
BeetleRoar Sdn Bhd | Digital Content Grant (DCG) | 2019 | Hamstronauts |

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Frequently Asked Questions
- Digital Content Grant (DCG) 2024 consists of three (3) types as per following:
- Mini GrantThe grant is aimed to support the development, production and commercialisation of digital content products with the ceiling amount of RM150,000.00.
- Prima GrantThe grant is aimed to support the development, production and commercialisation of digital content products with the ceiling amount of RM500,000.00.
- Marketing & Commercialisation GrantThe grant is aimed to commercialise the digital content product with the ceiling amount of RM300,000.00.
- Mini Grant
- Yes, below are the specific conditions for the grant:
- The Grant Recipient shall create job opportunities in development of the project as may be specified by MDEC. The said jobs must be filled by Malaysians; and
- The Grant Recipient shall ensure that at all times during the Project Duration and the Availability Period more than fifty percent (50%) of the team involved in the project is Malaysians;
- Firstly, MDEC verifies application based on the eligibility criteria and completeness of application. MDEC will notify the applicants via email on this outcome.
- If the outcome is passed, then it will proceed to the next stage of processing. The processing of application will take 30 working days from the date of complete application until presentation to the Grant Recommendation Committee (GRC). The application with the recommendation from the GRC will then be submitted to the Ministry of Communication for deliberation and final approval. The company will be informed by MDEC once decision has been made by the Approving Committee of Ministry of Communication. Should you have any enquiries with regards to the application, kindly contact our MD Client Contact Centre at 1-800-88-8338 or [email protected]
- MDEC will acknowledge receipt of the complete submission in terms of application form and supporting documents.
- MDEC verifies application based on the eligibility criteria and will notify the applicants via email to participate in the pitching session.
- The Grant shall be terminated (as of and absolute right of MDEC), if the recipient:
- fails to submit claims for disbursement by specified due dates during the Project Duration or upon expiry of the Availability Period for the Grant; and/or
- fails to deliver any one of the deliverables specified in the terms and conditions issued by MDEC; and/or
- fails to meet any eligibility criteria and/or specific conditions as stated herein for any reason whatsoever throughout the Project period and/or Availability Period; and/or
- fails to perform or comply with or commits a breach on any of the obligations specified in the terms and conditions issued by MDEC; and/or
- its personnel or employees is/are convicted by a court of law for corruption or unlawful or illegal activities in relation to DCG or any other agreement that the recipient may have with MDEC.
- In the event of breach and/or the Grant is being terminated/withdrawn:
- the recipient shall be subjected to a claw back for full amount disbursed or any amount at the discretion of the approving authority; and
- MDEC has the right to blacklist the company.