Digital Content Grant (DCG)



The grant is aimed to support the development, production and commercialisation of digital content products with the ceiling amount of RM500,000.00 for each grant Recipient.

Scope of projects

Eligible Project Categories

Allowable Project Deliverables

Minimum Output



1. Animation Series;

2. Animated Feature Film; or

3. Short Animated Film

1. Complete Animation (minimum 3 mins);

2. Feedback from at least one (1) commercial organisation such as broadcaster, content distributor, publisher, merchandise licensee, investor, industry consultant etc,; or

3. The completed product published on the commercial platform or social media platform.

1. Script;

2. Character environment design;

3. Production pitching materials.


1. Mobile;

2. Computer;

3. Web;

4. Console; or

5. Gamification

1. Game concept design;

2. A complete vertical slice of the game;

3. Feedback from at least one (1) commercial organisation such as broadcaster, content distributor, publisher, merchandise licensee, investor, industry consultant etc,; or

4. The completed product published on the commercial platform or social media platform.

1. Production pitching materials.


1. *Metaverse (Standalone Metaverse Experiences - social, educational, creative, cultural sites etc.); or

2. Extended Reality (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality)

*Extra consideration provided for solutions that promote:

- Development of cultural assets and solutions.

- National assets that represent Malaysian icons.

1. Prototype Design;

2. Prototype test or complete content;

3. Feedback from at least one (1) commercial organisation such as broadcaster, content distributor, publisher, merchandise licensee, investor, industry consultant etc,; or

4. The completed product published on the commercial platform or social media platform.

1. Production pitching materials.


1. Full Story Comic; or

2. Comic Anthology

1. Complete Digital Comic with a minimum of two (2) books/volumes;

2. Feedback from at least one (1) commercial organisation such as broadcaster, content distributor, publisher, merchandise licensee, investor, industry consultant etc,; or

3. The completed product published on the commercial platform or social media platform.

1. Script.

2. Character and environment design.

3. Production pitching materials.

Example of Activities

  • Research and Development (“R&D”) on concept, storyline, pre-development;
  • Script development;
  • Concept development;
  • Cost of optioning (to acquire the rights -book author/publisher);
  • Character and environment development;
  • Game play, interactive simulation R&D and design;
  • Prototype R&D and design;
  • Animation test, clip test, visual test, prototype test (3-5 minutes pilot pitching);
  • Production of completed animation i.e. webisodes or short animation;
  • Marketing & promotion activities;
  • Production pitching materials; and/or
  • Other activities related to the approved project identified by the Approval Committee.

Allowable project duration

Up to 9 months.

Ceiling Amount

RM 500,000.00

Grant Assistance

Up to 100% of project cost or the ceiling amount, whichever is lower

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Local and Registered Company:
    1. In operation for at least one (1) year as of the date of submission.
    2. Incorporated in Malaysia under Companies Act 1965 or the Companies Act 2016;
    3. Active and minimum of fifty-one percent (51%) equity held by Malaysian(s);
    4. Minimum issued share capital of RM20,000.00;
    5. Company revenue not more than RM5 Million; and
    6. Must be awarded with Malaysia Digital (MD) or MSC Malaysia status company.
  2. Not the subject of liquidation/winding up/bankruptcy order and has no going concern issue*. [*If the Applicant/Recipient has going concern issue (as reported in their latest audited account), the Applicant/Recipient is to provide a letter of undertaking by the shareholder and/or authorised director (whichever applicable as per the Applicant/Recipient level of authority) to undertake that in the event that their application is approved, the Applicant/Recipient shall perform its obligations under the terms and conditions to be issued by MDEC and the said shareholder and/or authorised director to provide financial support to the Applicant/Recipient to enable the Applicant/Recipient to meet its obligations and/or liabilities under the terms and conditions.]
  3. Director(s) and shareholder(s) of the eligible Applicant/Recipient to declare and disclose if there is any business relationship/family relationship with any of MDEC’s director or employee.
  4. Director(s) and shareholder of the eligible Applicant/Recipient to declare if they are under any litigation or legal proceeding ie. litigation/legal proceeding relating to criminal offences, offences under any applicable laws, insolvency, or cases related to MDEC.
  5. Director(s) and shareholder(s) of the eligible Applicant/Recipient to declare if the Applicant/Recipient are blacklisted by Malaysian authorities/enforcement bodies including but not limited to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Securities Commissions Malaysia (SC) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). In the event, the Director(s) and shareholder(s) are blacklisted, the Company shall be disqualified.​
  6. The Applicant/Recipient with common shareholder(s) can only apply for one (1) grant per one (1) project administered by MDEC at any one time.
  7. The Applicant/Recipient is not a current grant recipient from MDEC, the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS), or MyCreative Venture Sdn Bhd.
  8. If Applicant/Recipient previously has received any MDEC/government grant*, the Applicant/Recipient must:
    1. Demonstrate the completion of the funded project(s); and​
    2. Declare any notice of non-compliance/breach being recorded during the period of the funded project(s).
      If the Applicant/Recipient currently has on-going grant with other government agencies, the Applicant/Recipient to prove that the project is different (not overlap with the proposed project under MDEC’s grant) and has no non-compliance/breach issues being recorded during the period of the funded project(s) (via a letter from grant awarding entity or equivalent).

      *Limited to 5 years records from the of approval of the respective grant.
  9. Past MDEC Grant Recipients can only reapply after one (1) year from the project completion date (grant closure email date). Nevertheless, the exceptions to the above requirement are granted to the following grant recipients:
    1. Recipients of Prisma/Mini Grant applying for Prime Grant for the same project, or
    2. Recipients of Prisma/Mini/Development/Prime Grant applying for Mega Grant for the same project, or
    3. Recipients of Prisma/Mini/Development/Prime/Production/Mega Grant applying for Marketing and Commercialisation Grant for the same project.
  10. Not a broadcaster, television networks, OTT platforms or media company.
  11. The Director(s) and shareholder(s) of the Applicant/Recipient shall not owe any amounts to MDEC due to claw back issues from previous grants.

More grants offered under Digital Content Grants