Dear Valued Clients,


Greetings from Expats Service Centre!


As you may aware, MDEC seeks to continuously to improve the efficiency of obtaining permits for expatriates working in Malaysia and expedite the hiring process for the companies.


In this regard, please be informed effective from 4th June 2024, the Foreign Knowledge Worker (FKW) projection submission that is currently known as “headcount” will be further simplified and the projected headcount will be automatically approved.


With the new implementation, any FKW Projection request that are currently pending for approval will be forfeited. For this case, company is required to resubmit latest FKW headcount information with relevant justification at and this will go through the automatic approval process.


Given this flexibility, please note that the projected FKW headcounts must be utilised in respective year and cannot carried forward to the next year. Monitoring of the passes usage will be performed on continuous basis to ensure relevant compliance and any non-compliance is subject to cancellation of the passes.


Should you require more information and assistance, please contact us at 03-8315 3106/3157 or email us at [email protected].


Yours sincerely,


Expats Service Centre

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation