Dear Valued Clients,


Greetings from eXpats Service Centre! We refer to our announcement dated 9th November 2020 (CCFS–MFS–ANNC–MDEC–140 D20201109) on the closure of eXpats Service Centre counter. Please be informed that Expats Service Centre of Northern Office will resume as usual effective from Wednesday, 9th December 2020.


Front Counter operational hours for eXpats Service Centre (Northern office) will remain as below:


Operational hours: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.            Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12.15p.m.           


Friday Company is required to make an appointment via [email protected] before coming to our Centre. Please take note of the followings:


  1. Clients are encouraged to prioritize the submission of application based on the expiry of passes.
  2. There might be delays in processing of endorsement application
  • All communications with eXpats Service Centre will remain via email and chatbot/live chat only.

Should you require more information and assistance, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].  


Yours sincerely,

eXpats Service Centre

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation