Enhancement of Expats system

Dear Valued Clients,


Greetings from eXpats Service Centre!


In line with our recent announcement on the new process for endorsement of pass sticker, please be informed that effective 18th April 2022, company may select pass sticker logistic arrangement preference upon submission of endorsement application in the Expats System.

The options are as follows:


  1. 1) Delivery Pass sticker will be delivered to selected MSC Status Company within MSC Malaysia cybercity/centre area in Cyberjaya, Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur ONLY.
  2. 2) Walk-in Company to bring original passport to Expats Service Centre for affixing of Pass Sticker. Company may walk-in to our Centre according to the booked appointment slot. If company is unable to obtain the slot via online appointment, please email [email protected] for manual appointment request.
  3. 3) Collection at ESD Satellite Centre (ESC), Kuala Lumpur International Airport 1 (KLIA1) The collection of pass sticker at ESC is ONLY for Foreign Knowledge Worker (FKW) including their dependent/s that currently abroad and approved under Employment Pass category I and II (EPI & II). Company will be notified via email to download a Confirmation Letter when it is ready in the Expats System. The Confirmation Letter is required by the FKW and/or their dependent for collection of pass sticker at ESC. In situation where the issuance of pass sticker is unsuccessful at ESC, company may email us at [email protected] for the next arrangement.


Please take note that the option selection cannot be changed once the application has been submitted to MDEC in the system. As such, company MUST ensure to confirm the selection before submitting the endorsement application. The user manual is available in the system for easy reference. For this new enhancement, there will be system downtime for Expats System on Sunday, 17th April 2022 (12.00am) until Monday, 18th April 2022 (12.00am). Thus, the system will not be accessible during this period.


Should you require more information and assistance, please email us at [email protected].


Yours sincerely,

eXpats Service Centre

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation