Learn new digital skills and earn extra income

Equitable Access to Digital Tools, Knowledge & Income Opportunities

Take part in the digital movement by accelerating your digital adoption with Malaysia Digital. Join the Saya Digital campaign to explore new digital lifestyle experiences as well as new income opportunities.

Explore our Initiatives for the Rakyat

Digitalising the Rakyat's Economy & Digital Economy for the Rakyat

Earn extra income as a Digital Worker

The Digital Economy is a level playing field offering opportunities to Malaysians from all walks of life.

Our programmes and initiatives are for all Malaysians and designed to open up additional income avenues, provide new skills training and offer opportunities to thrive in the new Digital Economy.


Discover your next career move as part of the Global Online Workforce

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Digital Train & Place (DTP)

An initiative aimed at incentivising unemployed individuals in Malaysia to undergo training and find employment opportunities in the digital technology industry

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Contact Us

If you do have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach us.