How Can We Help


What is MyDigitalMaker?MyDigitalMaker is one of the initiatives by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) under Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, that launched in 2016. This movement was jointly implemented by MDEC, Ministry of Education, Institutions of Higher Learning, strategic industry and NGO partners towards the shared Malaysian vision to become a thriving and competitive connected economy. It is a joint public-private-academia initiative that aims to create a nation of digital makers by transforming Malaysian youth from digital users to digital producers. It was established to address the need to equip Malaysian youths with the right skillset and mind set, to ensure that they remain relevant in the future workforce.

What does MyDigitalMaker want to achieve?

  • Transform Malaysian youth from digital users to producers in the digital economy
  • Cultivate interest and skills in digital innovation and creativity amongst school students and youths
  • Increase the interest and uptake in Science stream in upper secondary school and STEM undergraduate courses
  • Strengthen talent readiness for digital economy job opportunities.

How will MyDigitalMaker achieve its goals?
This movement thrives to achieve it’s goal through formal learning intervention by supporting the Ministry of Education to integrate Computational Thinking and Computer Science (including coding) education in the national school curriculum.and informal learning intervention by mobilization of a complementary digital maker ecosystem comprising private sector partners, universities and NGOs, to nurture and groom talented young digital makers via out-of-classroom project-based learning activities and competitions.


What is being done to prepare teachers/educators through this movement?

  • To ensure that the educators are prepared to deliver the new computer science and Design Technology curriculum, MyDigitalMaker includes the deployment of a range of train-the-trainer programmes for Master Teachers, Counsellors, Principals and MOE officers.
  • Selected universities were also chosen as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) partners to make continuing professional development courses on computer science available for teachers.

What is Continuous Professional Development (CPD) centres?

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) centres are a group of public universities certified by MDEC to train educators in integrating Computational Thinking (CT) and Computer Science (CS) in teaching & learning. This is in line with the new revised KSSR and KSSM curriculum.
  • The centres also conduct awareness activities, upskilling and reskilling of teachers and students in digital making.
  • Refer to the link for the location of the CPD centres nationwide :

Where can teachers find the list of the trainings provided by us ?
Refer to website

All FREE teaching Modules can be found at

Link to the resources –

What is a Digital Counsellor Programme?

A one-stop platform to sustain engagement with career counselors via digital adoption, providing access to

  • Virtual Mentoring (Industry & Academia)
  • Discussion / Newsfeed
  • Resources and Event updates

To know more about Digital Counsellor Programme refer website


What is Champion School?
Champion schools are public schools that act as nucleus to support neighbouring schools in cultivating digital creativity and innovation. This is in line with the direction of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. To-date, there are a total of 24 Champion Schools.

For more info on Champion School refer website

What is Digital Ninja?

Digital Ninja is a programme which will expose young talents aged 11 to 17 years old to best-in-class digital innovation and the opportunity to special digital trainings, leadership bootcamps, holiday programme with industry, facilitation for scholarship and placement in Digital Tech Premier Universities.

How to become a Digital Ninja?

  • The Digital Ninja Application opens for submission between 2 months before the programme commence. The announcement of the selected students for Digital Ninja Programme will be announce by 2nd week from the submission date, via invitation letter (email).
  • The Digital Ninja Accelerator Lab Programme usually will commence from Mid July to Early Oct. The students who have accepted the invitation letter will be joining the programme. The organiser will contact and communicate with the students for the arrangement and provide programme schedule thereafter.

Click link below to learn more about Digital Ninja

What is Future Innovators School (FIS) ?

  • Future Innovators School is established to nurture and retain our future top digital innovators. This is a new concept school for digital innovators, like the sports school is for athletes.
  • FIS is projected to receive its first cohort of Form 1 (aged 11-13) students in April 2021 with estimation of 80 students.
  • For further announcement, please check our website frequently.


Interest in digital-making can only be cultivated by immersing students, teachers and parents in the digital ecosystem that always promotes digital-making. For that, few initiatives are conducted across the country to ensure an efficient ecosystem of digital-making where interaction between all digital stakeholders can take place.

What is Digital Maker Hub?

  • Digital Maker Hub (DMH) is a physical space in the community to bring the school and community members – kids, educators, parents, industry experts together to encourage the activity of digital making.
  • DMH is equipped with diverse tools, materials and learning resources which are made available for the public to embark on digital making projects.

For more info on Digital Maker Hubs and their locations

Refer to website,

How to get your space recognized as Digital Maker Hub?

Submit your application now via online form at,

What is Digital Maker Club?

Co-curricular clubs in school such as Robotics Club, Computer Club, Videography and Photography Club, which are structured to provide digital skills to the members, encourage participations in making their own digital inventions and submit them to competitions

All the FREE modules of Digital Maker Club can be found in Resources link as below :

Click link below to Join or know more about competitions

What is MyDigitalMaker HERO?

  • An open-source digital badge platform to capture student’s digital making skills & achievements.
  • We help students (age 7-17) to be on the lookout for digital making & non-digital making programmes (classes/competitions/events) throughout Malaysia.
  • These programmes are organised by our dedicated partners who primarily use this platform to award students with digital badges as tokens of their achievements.

Visit MyDigitalMaker HERO page via link below to learn more about Digital Badges

What is MyDigitalMaker Fair?

  • MyDigitalMaker Fair is the physical manifestation of the MyDigitalMaker Movement, and the Fair was first held in 2017. The event comprises of exhibitions, hands-on workshops, competitions and talks by industry subject matter experts. The Fair celebrates what the movement has accomplished throughout the year. It is also to encourage Malaysian youths to grow from digital users to digital innovators.
  • To know more about MyDigitalMaker fair and how can you be a part of this spectacular annual digital festival, check out our site below.


Who are MyDigitalMaker’s partners?

The movement currently consists of more than 70 partners comprising MDEC, MoE, Corporates, universities, start-up companies and NGOs. Partners are welcomed to contribute to the movement in both monetary and non monetary ways.

How can I become a partner or sponsor?

Click link below to know more about partnership and sponsorship.

Reach us at

Now everyone can benefit from the digital economy

#mydigitalmaker movement is a joint public-private-academia initiative led by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) in partnership with the Ministry of Education to transform Malaysian youth from digital users to producers in the digital economy.