Duta Counsellor
Duta Counsellor is part of the Digital Counsellor Programme. Below are the tool and guidance provided under this program

MyCOL – Malaysia Critical Occupation List
- A report commissioned by the Government to monitor skills imbalances
- To provide a platform for the coordination of human capital development policies.
- The MyCOL defines critical occupations according to three main criteria: skilled, sought-after, and strategic

Kapsul Digital
- To promote future of work in digital technology to students
- Facilitate school counsellors to conduct activities that promote digital tech career
- Identify school students career interest via accessment via the Kapsul Digital System.
- Identify tertiary pathway for students
Programme Partner
National Career Development Association (NACDA)
- NACDA acts as a voice to the government representing the university’s career practitioners
- NACDA also provides a platform for each Institution’s Career Development Centre to share best practices and strengthen the career readiness and employability