| Industry
Dear valued MSC clients,
We refer to the Movement Control Order (“Order”) issued under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967, which was announced by the Prime Minister on 16 Mar 2020.
In view of the above Order, kindly be informed that the location condition including the floor space requirement under the Conditions of Grant of MSC Malaysia Status (“CoG”) issued to your company, shall be waived during the enforcement of the Order from 18 Mar 2020 until 31 Mar 2020.
For clarity, please refer to the following conditions which have been waived:
- 4 Part A of CoG
The Company shall comply with the location requirements and conditions specified in Annexure C.
- Item (1) of Annexure C of CoG
Tier 1 companies:
Subject to any additional condition that may be specified in Annexure D, the Company shall locate the implementation and operation of the MSC Malaysia Qualifying Activities within six (6) months from the date of the grant of MSC Malaysia Status and thereafter continue to locate at all times at an address to be notified to the Government through MDeC with a minimum office space specified in Item (3) below in a Designated Premises within a MSC Malaysia Cybercity/Cybercentre, a list of which is available on the MSC Malaysia website as may be updated from time to time. Any change to the said address shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Government which request for approval shall be submitted through MDEC.Tier 2 companies:
Subject to any additional condition that may be specified in Annexure D, the Company shall locate the implementation and operation of the MSC Malaysia Qualifying Activities within six (6) months from the date of the grant of MSC Malaysia Status and thereafter continue to locate at all times at an address to be notified to the Government through MDEC with a minimum office space specified in Item (3) below in premises other than Designated Premises within a MSC Malaysia Cybercity/Cybercentre located in land in respect of which there are no prohibition or restriction on the use or enjoyment of the land or buildings thereon for commercial purposes (“Other Commercial Premises”). A list of MSC Malaysia Cybercities / Cybercentres is available on the MSC Malaysia website as may be updated from time to time. Any change to the said address shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Government which request for approval shall be submitted through MDEC. - Item (3) of Annexure C of CoG
Minimum office space: [xx] sq feet.
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