Who Can Join?
Malaysian Citizen with MyKad from 18 years old and above
Graduates or Alumni with skills and qualifications
Third and final year students currently attached to Institue of High Learning (IHLs)
3-months Intensive Training Journey
Select Your Preferred Workstream Training
A specialised training designed to serve as a foundation for participants, providing them with the essential knowledge, skills, and resources needed to excel within their specific workstream.
5 Workstream Training offer
Training Duration (6 weeks | 4 hours per weeks)
Enrol For Digital Freelance Training
The Specialised training will cover 10 basic modulesas fundamental concepts in preparing the participants' mindset of becoming a successful digital freelancer.
10 Basic modules
Training Duration (6 weeks | 4 hours per weeks)
Empowering Your Skill During Accelerator Bootcamp
Participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and knowledge and engage in hands-on biding alongside experienced freelancers and trainers, allowing them to earn income.
Empowering Your Skill During Accelerator Bootcamp
Bootcamp Duration (3 days physical session)