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Ninety (90)% of future jobs will require some level of digital literacy. A talent pipeline of tech workers in the digital economy is now possible, thanks to a collaboration last month between MDEC and General Assembly (GA). The collaboration creates an avenue for Malaysians to upskill and reskill job seekers, future-proofing our digital and tech professionals to become the very best within the global digital industry.
“Upskilling and reskilling are significant in helping to strengthen the quality of our digital workforce. It is the most important part of our digital talent development strategy,” iterated Surina Shukri, CEO of MDEC during the formal announcement of the collaboration between MDEC and General Assembly last month.
GA will offer critical and in-demand upskilling content as well as processes that match current and next-gen digital capabilities. The tech educator promises to introduce radical reskilling for those who will assume previously non-existent digital roles while creating a new talent pipeline that operates like an on-demand service.
The company was seen as a suitable partner given a history of transforming thousands of careers with full-time immersive programmes since 2011, as well as its tech curricula-focus on skills that today’s companies need; software engineering, data science, and user experience design. Going beyond just intensive training, graduates are armed with tools for landing a new role.
GA is one of MDEC’s many industry partners with whom it is working closely to facilitate the continued advancement of digital skills transformation. The establishment of global training companies in Malaysia like GA, reinforces the fact that Malaysia has a lot of potential in pushing the envelope further for digital talent development.
#LetsBuildTogether #DigitalMalaysiaForward
Sebanyak 90 peratus peluang pekerjaan pada masa hadapan menuntut literasi kemahiran digital.
Menyedari kepentingan meningkatkan kemahiran pekerja sedia ada, MDEC bekerjasama dengan syarikat perunding dari Amerika Syarikat, General Assembly (GA) untuk membantu menggalakkan pembangunan bakat digital di Malaysia.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MDEC, Surina Shukri berkata, MDEC juga sedang berganding dengan rakan industri bagi memudahkan perkembangan berterusan dalam transformasi kemahiran digital.
“Kumpulan bakat yang celik digital akan membantu melonjakkan syarikat-syarikat Malaysia ke peringkat serantau dan global," katanya.
Menerusi kerjasama itu, GA akan menyediakan latihan yang disesuaikan untuk pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dalam ekonomi digital yang berkembang pesat hari ini .
Ini merangkumi penawaran kandungan dan proses peningkatan kemahiran yang kritikal dan diperlukan yang sepadan keupayaan digital semasa dan generasi akan datang; memperkenalkan kemahiran semula yang radikal bagi mereka yang perlu mengambil peranan digital yang baharu termasuk mewujudkan saluran bakat baharu yang beroperasi seperti perkhidmatan.
#BinaBersama #MemacuEkonomiDigitalMalaysia
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