There have been recent reports of messages via email, WhatsApp, Telegram and other messaging apps from unscrupulous parties posing as persons from MDEC offering fake job offers and investment schemes.
Please be advised that these are SCAMS and that MDEC and its employees are not involved with these fraudulent messages. We reserve all rights available under the law against any misrepresentation or infringement of our rights. We would advise members of the public to take the following necessary precautions against such fraudulent messages:
- Do not respond to these spam messages or provide them any personal and financial information.
- Do not share or forward these messages among your peers, friends and families.
- Kindly check the scammer’s phone number or bank account number at CCID Portal.
For clarification, you can direct your enquiries to MDEC’s Customer Service (CliC) on these platforms:
Kindly call 1-800-88-8338 / +603-83153000 (if you are calling from outside of Malaysia) or email us at [email protected]
We thank you for your attention.